site Disclaimer is property of What is a Gentleman, LLC. We here at pride ourselves on giving you what we believe to be sound advice on what to wear and how to portray yourself though actions in accordance with what we feel is in line with our concept of a "Gentleman." That being said, all information published herein this site and/or any site affiliated with to include without limitation:, our Facebook Page, Twitter Page, Instagram, or Tumblr that may be absorbed by our readership should strictly be taken at the discretion of the reader and should be used at the reader's own risk. and its contributors take no responsibility in any harm, losses, or negative affects/impacts stemming from the reading or execution of any content published on this site. All products featured on this site and our affiliate sites are subject to affiliate program profits. Meaning, we may make a percentage profit of any item bought through interaction with our site. We know this sounds a little lame, but we need to make a living somehow right? That being said, we do not let this program limit our selection of products. We want to give you the real stuff, even if we don't get a cut. If a we receive any added benefits from reviewing a product above our normal affilliate kick back rate, we will label the post as "sponsored" to give you full transparency.


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