Saturdays NYC Condensed Circle Print T-Shirt

Saturdays NYC white t-shirt logo.jpg

We don't post a lot of T-shirts, mostly because going out in a T-shirt, while totally acceptable in the right setting, usually doesn't get you noticed, or doesn't make you different than any other guy at the bar. This T-shirt from Saturdays NYC however, is the perfect under layer for a bomber jacket, and perfect for the bomber we just posted on our Instagram (which you can also look at our review here). This T is reminiscent of the classic Gun'n'Roses circle logo, but much more minimalistic giving it a designer feel. Speaking of feel, it's 100% cotton, meaning it will wick away sweat, and be soft to the touch, which is perfect for when your game is on point and the night gets "touchy."

Available on for $48

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